
Nurhadi, Fathur Rahman, Ahmad Ma’ruf, Kafa Abdallah Kafaa | Publication

This book provides a comprehensive discussion on the philosophy, good practices, and implementation of the social security system in Indonesia, from both theoretical and practical perspectives, as well as innovative solutions that need to be developed for better understanding among stakeholders.


Nailul Huda, Salsabila Kusumawardani, Abdurrahman Harits | Sustainable Economic, Publication

The study examines the economic potentials in the tourism sector in Lake Toba as one of the Super Priority Destinations post-COVID 19 pandemic arising from collaboration across districts, provinces, and national.


Lucia Ratih Kusumadewi, Indera Ratna Irawati Pattirasarany, Paulus Wirutomo, | Publication

The review of the policy roadmap explores the challenges of literacy acculturation and what strategies can be implemented in order to improve literacy in Indonesia


Ambar Widaningrum, Ario Wicaksono, | Publication

The study examines the participative role of multi-actor pentahelix element in the implementation of National Movement for Mental Revolution in two areas in Indonesia.


Aminatun Zubaedah, Dati Fatimah, Desintha Dwi Asriani, Mida Mardhiyyah | Sustainable Economic, Publication

This study explores how women entrepreneurs in Indonesia are adapting and innovating amidst the multidimensional crisis due to COVID-19 and natural disasters.


Editor: Daniel Hermawan | International Cooperation, Publication

The publication highlights diverse challenges and success stories from village governments across Asia, focusing on their responses to the COVID-19 pandemic to foster global innovation and best practices.


Editor: Dinna Prapto Rahardja, Ph.D | International Cooperation, Publication

A reflection from the 13th Bali Democracy Forum in addressing how democracy can be preserved and leveraged to help societies respond to and recover from the multifaceted crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has exacerbated global suffering through economic, social, and inequality challenges.


Editor: Achmad Saeful | Publication

This book provides junior high school teachers and literacy campaigners with local content to enhance students' understanding and appreciation of Indonesia's diverse cultural heritage and traditional knowledge, aiming to preserve these practices and integrate character values into education.


Editor: Chandra Saputra, Reza Suriaputra | Publication

This book showcases the efforts of Indonesian youth from diverse backgrounds to preserve and promote their unique cultural customs, rituals, and traditional practices amid rapid technological change and globalization.


Aminatun Zubaedah, Dati Fatimah, Mida Mardhiyyah | Sustainable Economic, Publication

The module proposes a systematic approach towards gender-responsive planning and budgeting at the village level as gender mainstreaming (PUG) in climate change adaptation policies.


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