
Research Team: Timboel Siregar, Indra Munaswar, German E. Angent, Sony Mardiyanto | Social Security, Publication

Regulation, law enforcement, and socialization are the main issues hindering increased participation.


Editor: Fachrurozi Majid | Publication

Compilations of five key points on Pancasila by Indonesian scholar, Yudi Latif, in graphic illustration.


Editor: Chandra Saputra Purnama, Achmad Saeful | Publication

A compilation of writings from on Religion and Nationality, Education as Humanity; and Local Culture and New Indonesian Mentality.


Dati Fatimah, Desintha Dwi Asriani, Aminatun Zubaedah, Mida Mardhiyyah | Sustainable Economic, Publication

Gender dimensions is often overlooked in COVID-19 relief efforts, can exacerbate existing inequalities, making it crucial to adopt a gender-based approach to effectively address and respond to the pandemic's impact on different needs of women and men.


Makmur Keliat, Malinda Damayanti, and Reyhan Noor | Sustainable Economic, Publication

This paper aims to identify Indonesia’s policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic from a geo-economic perspective.


Faisal Basri, Udi H. Pungut, Gatot A. Putra | Sustainable Economic, Publication

This paper aims to identify Indonesia’s policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic from a geo-economic perspective.


Theresia Gunawan, Pius Sugeng Prasetyo, Riswanda, Trisno Sakti Herwanto, Yosefa, Albert M. Tobing, Daniel Hermawan | Publication

How to optimize data collection for village development innovation in Mamuju District?


Editor: Dinna Prapto Raharja, Ph.D | International Cooperation, Publication

Reflection from the 2019 Bali Civil Society and Media Forum focused on "Rising Exclusivity and Declining Democracy," with experts discussing global democratic challenges, digital exclusion, information filter bubbles, and the impacts of hate speech and hoaxes.


BMAS | Sustainable Economic, Publication

Germany’s short-time work allowance (Kurzarbeitergeld) effectively mitigates economic and social impacts of COVID-19 by compensating workers for reduced hours, helping employers retain staff and reduce costs during the crisis.


Desintha Dwi Asriani and Herni Ramdlaningrum | Sustainable Economic, Publication

The paper projects the future of women's work by analyzing traditional sectors and the impacts of demographic, environmental, and technological factors.


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