Theresia Gunawan, Pius Sugeng Prasetyo, Riswanda, Trisno Sakti Herwanto, Yosefa, Albert M. Tobing, Daniel Hermawan

[ID] Data Collection for Village Development Innovation in Mamuju District

How to optimize data collection for village development innovation in Mamuju District?

Village development has become a term that is often pronounced and carried out through various development programs from one period to the next and continues to be sustainable. This village development policy emphasizes that efforts to continue to uplift the dignity and well-being of citizens in villages in Indonesia have not yet achieved the expected goals. The publication discusses the use of data and innovation for village development in Mamuju District.


Pendataan untuk inovasi pembangunan desa die kabupaten mamuju

Pendataan untuk inovasi pembangunan desa die kabupaten mamuju

Jakarta, 2021

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