
Coordinating Ministry of Human Development and Culture

Kemenko PMK (Kementerian Koordinator Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia) is the Coordinating Ministry of Human Development and Culture. As one of the four Coordinating Minstries in Indonesia the following line ministries are under its jurisdiction: Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Village and remote areas, Ministry of Religion, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Ministry of Women Empowerment & Child protection and Ministry of youth and sports. Visit partner site

Dewan Jaminan Sosial Nasional (DJSN)

DJSN (National Social Security Council)’s primary task is to assist the President of the Republic of Indonesia in formulating the general policy and synchronizing the implementation of the national social security system in Indonesia. DJSN provides the general policy framework on the membership, fee, and benefit of each program for guiding the BPJS (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial or the Social Security Provider), a public agency established to implement the social security program. Additionally DJSN is assigned with the task of monitoring and evaluation the implementation of social security system. Visit partner site


SEKNAS FITRA or National Secretariat of the Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency is a Jakarta based advocacy NGO established in 1999, which serves as a watchdog organization focusing on government spending and budgeting at both the national and local levels. Its aims include increased transparency of the entire budget process and citizen involvement. SEKNAS FITRA’s activities include analysis of the state budget, increasing public awareness of budget accountability issues, advocating for budget transparency, and legal reform to make financial regulations more transparent, accountable and participatory. Recent publications include the Budget Allocation Disclosure Index of Indonesian Ministries and the Indonesian Open Budget Survey 2012. Visit partner site

Perkumpulan Prakarsa

Perkumpulan Prakarsa - Welfare Initiative for Better Societies - works to gather and explore innovative ideas for welfare improvement through independent study and active engagement with the stakeholders; through analysis and capacity building on various broad issues relating to welfare. The partner cooperation of Prakarsa includes government, parliament, financial authority, civil society, private sectors, and international organizations. Visit partner site

University of Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia (UI) is a state university in Depok, West Java and Salemba, Jakarta, Indonesia. Universitas Indonesia is the oldest tertiary-level educational institution in Indonesia (known as the Dutch East Indies when UI was established). UI is generally considered as the most prestigious university in Indonesia, along with Bandung Institute of Technology and Gadjah Mada University. In the 2015/2016 QS World Universities Ranking, UI is ranked 1st in Indonesia, 79th in Asia and 358th in the world. Visit partner site

University Gadjah Mada

Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is a public research university located in Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Officially founded on 19 December 1949, three years after its first lecture was given on 13 March 1946, it is the oldest and largest institution of higher education in Indonesia. Comprising 18 faculties and 27 research centers, UGM offers 68 undergraduate, 23 diploma, 104 master and specialist, and 43 doctorate study programs, ranging from the Social Sciences to Engineering. The basic principles of UGM was Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi; namely the education, research, and community service. Visit partner site

Prakarsa Desa

Badan Prakarsa Pemberdayaan Desa dan Kawasan (BP2DK or the Initiative for Village and Regions Empowerment Council), also popularly known as Prakarsa Desa (the Village Initiative), works to improve the quality of statehood and national development through strengthening the villages in various regions in Indonesia. Prakarsa Desa’s ultimate goal would be a Village and Region-Based Integrated National Development, which can be achieved by assisting the villages with better village-governance through information technology and communication.
The heart of Prakarsa Desa’s activities can be summarized into several key areas: active participation and empowerment of the village citizens in the village development; connecting the village government with provincial and national government to create a sustainable synergy; pushing for village transformation in accordance with state ideology of Pancasila and the national constitution UUD 1945; and prioritizing the periphery area by strengthening the villages at the forefront / border areas.

Pusat Studi Islam dan Kenegaraan Indonesia (PSIK-Indonesia)

PSIK-Indonesia or Center for Islam and State Studies is an independent and interdisciplinary research center established in 2005. PSIK – Indonesia committed towards the development and advancement of an open Islamic thinking. It also envisions the transformation of the Islamic society in Indonesia towards a democratic Islamic society which respects civil rights. Based on the vision, PSIK-Indonesia committed to interdisciplinary research on topics related to Islam, the state, and humanities. PSIK-Indonesia also supports the good governance in policy making and seeks to foster wide understanding on Islam and state issues based on the spirit of humanities.

Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan Indonesia (PSHK)

PSHK or Indonesian Center of Law and Policies Studies was established in 1998 under the umbrella of the Indonesian Foundation for Law and Policy Studies (YSHK). The Foundation intends to help drive several efforts of legal reform in Indonesia after the 1998 reformation.
PSHK conducts various research and advocacy work that have contributed significantly towards the improvement of law in Indonesia. With an average of 10 research activities each year, PSHK has established a good reputation in research along with several ministries, parliamentary institutions, and judicial institutions in Indonesia. PSHK also actively conducts legal advocacy activities in cooperation with several non-governmental organizations, especially in the issues of legal enforcement, anticorruption, human rights, environmental sustainability, alignments towards marginalized communities. In addition, PSHK also continuously builds expertise and conducts legislative drafting training.


Martabat is an organization providing legal and management consultancy on the issue of social security and public health policy. Established in 2009. The founder of Martabat then established; an online platform providing information on the implementation of social security and health service aiming at supporting the implementation of national social security system in Indonesia. Representing experts, the founder, and the executive director of Martabat is also member of the National Social Security Council (DJSN).

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