Research Team: Timboel Siregar, Indra Munaswar, German E. Angent, Sony Mardiyanto

[ID] Efforts to Increase Participation and Benefit in Social Security Employment Programs

Regulation, law enforcement, and socialization are the main issues hindering increased participation.

This study analysed the challenges in increasing participation in the social security employment programs (Jamsosnaker), evaluated benefits of programs, assessed the existing JKK and JKm programs for the Civil Servants and Indonesian National Police-Armed Forces (TNI-Polri) at PT TASPEN and PT ASABRI, as well as for the poor informal workers. The findings of this study showed that regulations, law enforcement and socialization are the hindering factors to increase participation. Government policies that segregate the management of JKK and JKm for the Civil Servants and TNI-Polri do not support the principal of mutual assistance (gotong royong) and equal benefits for all workers. The four social security employment programs have already provided good benefits. JKK-JKm programs for the poor informal workers will be beneficial to improve their welfare.



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