Nailul Huda, Salsabila Kusumawardani, Abdurrahman Harits

[ID] Study on the Regional Development Cooperation Based on Local Leading Potential in Supporting National Economic Recovery from the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The study examines the economic potentials in the tourism sector in Lake Toba as one of the Super Priority Destinations post-COVID 19 pandemic arising from collaboration across districts, provinces, and national.

The expansion of the tourist industry is one of the development goals established by the Indonesian government to promote resilience and high-quality economic growth. One of the economic catalysts that can boost the expansion of other industries, including the creative industry, commerce in goods and services, foreign exchange gains, and job creation, is tourism. However, due to restrictions on community movement and activities during the COVID-19 outbreak, this sector has experienced a significant decline. The policy recommendations in this publication are derived on an assessment of the possible economic potential of collaboration across districts, provinces and nationally. Based on field research, the tourism and transportation, lodging, food and beverage industries are crucial pillars for ecosystem support initiatives in Lake Toba, as one of the Super Priority Destinations.


Kajian pengembangan perjasama berbasis potensi unggulan lokal dalam mendukung pemulihan ekonomi nasional dari dampak pandemi Covid-19

Huda, Nailul; Kusumawardani, Salsabila; Harits, Abdurrahman

Kajian pengembangan perjasama berbasis potensi unggulan lokal dalam mendukung pemulihan ekonomi nasional dari dampak pandemi Covid-19

Jakarta, 2024

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