Nurhadi, Fathur Rahman, Ahmad Ma’ruf, Kafa Abdallah Kafaa

Sosial Security in Indonesia: History, Theory and Future Challenges

This book provides a comprehensive discussion on the philosophy, good practices, and implementation of the social security system in Indonesia, from both theoretical and practical perspectives, as well as innovative solutions that need to be developed for better understanding among stakeholders.

The National Social Security System is based on human rights and the constitutional rights of every individual, as stated in Article 28H paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution, which affirms that "Everyone has the right to social security that enables their full development as a useful human being." This principle should be understood by the public to foster awareness in fulfilling their rights and obligations. However, the reality is that challenges in implementing the social security system in Indonesia remain complex, particularly regarding issues such as advancements in information technology, data management, fraud handling, socio-economic dynamics, and other related aspects.


Jaminan sosial di Indonesia

Jaminan sosial di Indonesia

Sejarah, teori, dan tantangan masa depan
Jakarta, 2024

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