Editor: Chandra Saputra, Reza Suriaputra

[ID] The Imagination of Nusantara. Local Culture and Traditional Knowledge in the Contemporary Indonesian Society

This book showcases the efforts of Indonesian youth from diverse backgrounds to preserve and promote their unique cultural customs, rituals, and traditional practices amid rapid technological change and globalization.

Indonesia is a country rich in customs, culture, and regional expertise. Every aspect of culture and customs found throughout the archipelago is different and unique in its own right. In an era of rapid technological advancement, human mobility and connectedness are unavoidable and indispensable. How may regional customs and cultures coexist with those of other countries rather than going extinct? This book's collection of texts shows the efforts taken to promote positive narratives about Indonesian culture, customs, rituals, arts, traditional attire, and other local customs. This book is the outcome of a writing workshop participated by Indonesians youngsters who investigated varied traditional knowledge and came from different ethnic and professional backgrounds, places of origin.


Imajinasi nusantara

Imajinasi nusantara

Budaya lokal dan pengetahuan tradisional dalam masyarakat Indonesia kontemporer
Jakarta, 2021

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