Aminatun Zubaedah, Dati Fatimah, Desintha Dwi Asriani, Mida Mardhiyyah

[ID] Relentless Negotiation: Story About Women as Breadwinner During COVID-19 Pandemic

This study explores how women entrepreneurs in Indonesia are adapting and innovating amidst the multidimensional crisis due to COVID-19 and natural disasters.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a multi-dimensional crisis. This case study analyzed the efforts and strategies of women entrepreneurs in responding and adapting the long crises especially those caused by the COVID-19 and natural disasters that occurred at the same time in some provinces in Indonesia. For women entrepreneurs in Indonesia, the impact of COVID-19 pandemic is not limited to direct business disruption only, but also increases the double burden due to shifts in roles. On the other hand, women entrepreneurs have demonstrated high and positive adaptation abilities, such as utilizing digital skills and good internet access in developing the business (mapping trends, markets, and competitors) - especially of those in urban area; strengthening community-based groups and cooperatives of those in rural areas, and building intergenerational collaborations in both areas as well as developing business innovation. This indicates a strong capacity and modality of women entrepreneurs to recover faster and participate in the economic activities.

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