Aminatun Zubaedah, Dati Fatimah, Mida Mardhiyyah

[ID] Training Module on Gender Responsive Budgeting Planning in Climate Change at Village Level

The module proposes a systematic approach towards gender-responsive planning and budgeting at the village level as gender mainstreaming (PUG) in climate change adaptation policies.

Climate change has become a global phenomenon that affects many aspects of human life. People in both urban and rural areas face serious threats and issues related to food security, access to clean water, health risks, and livelihoods.

Climate change adaptation patterns and strategies aim to strengthen resilience and reduce vulnerability when dealing with the threat of disasters and extreme events resulting from climate change; and it is not 'gender-neutral'. Therefore, there is an urgent need to continue promoting gender mainstreaming (PUG) in climate change adaptation policies. Gender mainstreaming has become an important part of the national development agenda as an effort to realize fair and equal development for women and men. To encourage PUG in development, a gender-responsive planning and budgeting (GRB) policy has been developed. This training module on gender responsive budgeting planning in climate change at village level was developed based on the experience of training and advocating GRB in climate change to village officials in Banjarejo Village, Tanjungsari District, Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta.


Modul Pelatihan Perencanaan Penganggaran Responsif Gender (PPRG) dalam perubahan iklim tingkat desa

Zubaedah, Aminatun; Fatimah, Dati; Mardhiyyah, Mida

Modul Pelatihan Perencanaan Penganggaran Responsif Gender (PPRG) dalam perubahan iklim tingkat desa

Jakarta, 2022

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