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126 results:
| Event, News
Public Panel Discussion on Pancasila and the Call for Social Justice
A discussion on Welfare-State, Pancasila and Revolusi Mental (Mental Revolution) with Prof. Thomas Meyer, Yudi Latief, Pater Franz Magnis-Suseno and Willy Aditya  
| Event
Editors Meeting with FES, AJI Indonesia, and DJSN
Editors Meeting with FES, AJI Indonesia, and Dewan Jaminan Sosial Nasional (DJSN) discussing the progress of the implementation of the social security system. Jakarta, 10 March 2016.  
| News, Event
FES Board Member meet with Minister of Kemenko Maritim
Rolf Mützenich, FES board member and member of the German parliament and German Ambassador Georg Witschel meet Coordinating Indonesian Minister of Maritime Affairs Rizal Ramli  
| Event, News
FES Board Member meet with Vice-Minister of Kemenko PMK
Rolf Mützenich, FES board member and member of the German parliament, expresses gratitude for the deepening cooperation between FES and Kemenko PMK in a meeting with Vice-Minister of Kemenko PMK Pak…  
| Event, News
Meeting with Presidential Chief of Staff
Meeting with Teten Masduki, Presidential Chief of staff  
| Event
Meeting with Indonesian Minister of Manpower
FES Resident Representative in Indonesia Sergio Grassi - together with FES Indonesia Programme Officer Mian Manurung and Rina Julvianty - met with Hanif Dhakiri, Indonesian Minister of Manpower, on…  
| Event, News
Workshop: Adequate Contributions Rates for Sustainable Pension Funding
FES Indonesia - together with Kemenko PMK - organized a workshop on: Adequate Contributions Rates for Sustainable Pension Funding on the 22nd of October 2015 in Jakarta.  
| Publication
[ID] Social Democracy Reading Book 3: Welfare State and Social Democracy
This book explores the vital link between the welfare state and democracy, highlighting key justice issues and how the state fosters community solidarity.  
| Publication
[ID] Social Democracy Reading Book 2: Economy and Social Democracy
This book unpacks key economic theories and values, exploring their implications for practical socialist economic policies.  
| Publication
[ID] Social Democracy Reading Book 1: Foundations of Social Democracy
This book explores the core values of Social Democracy—freedom, justice, and solidarity—while highlighting key differences from other political ideologies.  
Search results 111 until 120 of 126