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126 results:
| Event
Klaus Wowereit meets Governor Ahok to Discuss City Development
Former Berlin Major, Klaus Wowereit meets with Jakarta Governor, Ahok (Basuki Tjahaja Purnama) to discuss city development.  
| Event
Social City Roundtable Discussion with former Mayor of Berlin Klaus Wowereit
In cooperation with the urban laboratory of UNTAR University FES Indonesia organized a roundtable discussion on the concept of a Social City with Klaus Wowereit - former Mayor of Berlin - on…  
| Publication
Film on German Energy Transition: What is the German Energiewende? (#2017plus)
Currently the energy supply in Germany is based on fossil fuels. But these are gradually being replaced by renewable energy sources. The process accompanying this change is the “Energiewende”, held…  
94. [EN] The Challenges of Industry 4.0 for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises  
Industry 4.0 is a term for the digital revolution in industrial production emerging from the comprehensive networking and computerization of all areas of production. This study draws on the case of…  
95. [EN] Policies for Innovation in Times of Digitalization  
Digitalization is one of these terms that everybody connects with. It has changed work places, work-life balances, and workers’ position in the labor market and will do so in future while…  
| Event
Workshop and Training on Pro-Poor and Inclusive Village Law in Samarinda, 27 – 29 July 2016
FES Indonesia together with Kemenko PMK, Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions & Transmigration and SEKNAS Fitra organized a workshop for village officials for the implementation…  
97. [EN] The Social Quarter: Policies for Participation, Cohesion and Quality of Life  
Publisher: Division for Economic and Social Policy. - Bonn : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2016. - 19 Pages = 1,7 MB PDF-File. - (A good society - social democracy #2017 plus) Einheitssacht.: Das…  
98. [ID] Bagaimana Sistem Jaminan Social Nasional Bekerja  
How the National Social Security System (SJSN) Works: A Collection of Journalists Works on SJSN in Indonesia 2013-2014 According to the law, social security is for all Indonesian citizens, rich or…  
99. [ID] Mewujudkan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) yang Lebih Bermakna  
Bringing About a More Meaningful Cash Transfer Program - “Program Keluarga Harapan”: Gender Analysis on PKH Implementation in Sidoarjo (East Java) and Bima (West Nusa Tenggara) There were not many…  
| Event
Workshop for the Research of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Malaysia
Workshop for the Research of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Malaysia: Dynamics, Causes and Impact, 30 May 2016  
Search results 91 until 100 of 126