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126 results:
| Event
Socialization Workshop for Journalists on National Social Security System
Socialization workshop for journalists on national social security system in cooperation between FES, AJI Indonesia,and Dewan Jaminan Sosial Nasional (DJSN) in Bandung , Kediri, Manado (April - Mei…  
| Event
Training on Pro-Poor and Inclusive Village Law in Bima
FES Indonesia together with Kemenko PMK, Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions & Transmigration and SEKNAS Fitra organized a workshop for strengthening the capacity of village…  
| Event, News
Kick-off Seminar: Thousand books for the Blind Movement
FES Indonesia together with the Ministry of Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK), the Association for visual impaired and blind people Mitra Netra and the Software Company IBM organized a…  
104. [ID]Kontribusi yang memadai untuk pendanaan pensiun berkelanjutan : pelajaran dari perdebatan dan praktik aktual di Jerman  
By: Markus Sailer. - Jakarta : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Kantor Perwakilan Indonesia, 2016. - 16 Pages = 490 KB, PDF-File. Einheitssacht.: Adequate contribution rates for sustainable pension funding…  
105. [EN] Adequate contribution rates for sustainable pension funding : lessons from the German debate and actual practice  
By: Markus Sailer. - Jakarta : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Indonesia Office, 2016. - 16 Pages = 430 KB, PDF-File. Electronic ed.: Jakarta : FES, 2016. For softcopy please click  
| Event
Training on Pro-Poor and Inclusive Village Law in Cianjur, West Java
FES Indonesia together with Kemenko PMK, Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions & Transmigration and SEKNAS Fitra organized a workshop for strengthening the capacity of village…  
107. [ID] Mengelak dari Jebakan Penghasilan Menengah di Indonesia: analisa resiko, pemecahan masalah dan karakteristik nasional  
By Faisal Basri, Gatot Arya Putra. Since the early 1990s, Indonesia has been a lower-middle income country which gained recognition internationally as an attractive emerging market for investment…  
108. [EN] Escaping the Middle Income Trap in Indonesia: an analysis of risks, remedies and national characteristics  
By Faisal Basri, Gatot Arya Putra. Since the early 1990s, Indonesia has been a lower-middle income country which gained recognition internationally as an attractive emerging market for investment…  
| Event, News
Seminar on Escaping the Middle Income Trap
With Faisal Basri, Prof. Emil Salim, Prof. Augustinus Prasetyantoko, Gatot Arya Putra, Dr. Enny Sri Hartati and Riatu Mariatul Qibthiyyah discussed risks, national characteristics of economic…  
| Event
ASEAN Inter Pillar Policy Dialogue
FES Resident Director for Indonesia Sergio Grassi represents Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation at the ASEAN INTER PILLAR POLICY DIALOGUE on the impact of ASEANE Economic Integration in the labour sector in…  
Search results 101 until 110 of 126