Thursday, 12.11.2015

Meeting with Indonesian Minister of Manpower

FES Resident Representative in Indonesia Sergio Grassi - together with FES Indonesia Programme Officer Mian Manurung and Rina Julvianty - met with Hanif Dhakiri, Indonesian Minister of Manpower, on the 12th of November 2015 in Jakarta to discuss possible cooperation projects.

FES Resident Representative in Indonesia Sergio Grassi - together with FES Indonesia Programme Officer Mian Manurung and Rina Julvianty - met with Hanif Dhakiri, Indonesian Minister of Manpower, on the 12th of November 2015 in Jakarta to discuss possible cooperation projects.

Indonesia Office

Jl. Kemang Selatan II No. 2A
Jakarta Selatan 12730

+62 21 7193711
+62 21 71791358
