Thursday, 22.10.2015

Workshop: Adequate Contributions Rates for Sustainable Pension Funding

FES Indonesia - together with Kemenko PMK - organized a workshop on: Adequate Contributions Rates for Sustainable Pension Funding on the 22nd of October 2015 in Jakarta.

FES Indonesia - together with Kemenko PMK - organized a workshop on: Adequate Contributions Rates for Sustainable Pension Funding on the 22nd of October 2015 in Jakarta. Markus Sailer, Senior Economist of the German Pension Insurance (Deutsche Rentenversicherungsbund) gave a presentation on the German perspective, while Dr. Chazali Situmorang, formerly head of the Indonesian National Social Security Council (DJSN), and Taufik Hidayat, DJSN Chief Economist commented from an Indonesian perspective. The workshop was furthermore attended by representatives from different Ministries, BPJS and other Social Security Agencies.

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