
Pius Sugeng Prasetyo, Tutik Rachmawati, Theresia Gunawan, Yosefa, Trisno Sakti Herwanto, Kristian W. Wicaksono | Ekonomi Berkelanjutan, Publikasi

Temukan bagaimana praktik-praktik inovatif dalam ketahanan pangan, ekonomi lokal, energi terbarukan, pendidikan, kesehatan, dan teknologi mengubah desa-desa menjadi komunitas yang berkelanjutan dan berkembang. Penelitian ini berupaya mengungkap model-model yang dapat menginspirasi desa-desa lain, dengan tetap menghormati potensi dan karakteristik…


Pius Sugeng Prasetyo, Tutik Rachmawati, Theresia Gunawan, Yosefa, Trisno Sakti Herwanto, Kristian W. Wicaksono | Ekonomi Berkelanjutan, Publikasi

Banyak desa di Indonesia yang berkembang pesat melalui praktik-praktik pembangunan yang inovatif. Survei ini menyoroti bagaimana enam desa memanfaatkan kearifan dan sumber daya lokal untuk mendorong kemajuan dalam keberlanjutan pangan, energi terbarukan, pendidikan, kesehatan, dan teknologi, sekaligus mendorong keterlibatan masyarakat secara…


Marc Saxer, July 2017 | Publikasi

The Human Economy, composed of two interwoven economies, puts the creation of income-generating livelihoods front and centre. The digital capitalist economy generates the surplus needed to remunerate work for the common good. And the human commons produce the consumption demand needed to keep the market economy going.


James G. McGann, University of Pennsylvania, | Publikasi

In the 10th global Think Tank Rankings of University of Pennsylvania, the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation continues to rank among the best think tanks.


René Bormann, Michael Groß, Helmut Holzapfel, Kirsten Lühmann, Oliver Schwedes | Publikasi

Important shifts in urban geography and mobility culture demand a new mobility politics focused on quality of life. One that initiates and organises processes of change, shaping them in dialogue with all stakeholders. Strong functional diversity is a must. All modes of transport must be coordinated, sustainable mobility strengthened and public…


Michael Groß, Uli Hellweg | Publikasi

Building culture is the key to a decent life in our cities, towns and villages. But politics has tended to neglect this area of activity. That must change under a future Social Democrat-led government.


Hanne Albig, Marius Clemens, Ferdinand Fichtner, Stefan Gebauer, Simon Junker, Konstantin Kholodilin | Publikasi

German Economic Analysis Using a Macroeconomic Structural Model

good society – social democracy #2017plus


René Bormann, Lothar Binding, Markus Henn, Cansel Kiziltepe, Carsten Kühl, Manfred Lehmann, Achim Truger | Publikasi

A strong state that invests in society’s future viability in accordance with social justice pursues an active tax and financial policy, on both the income and the expenditure sides.

This is because financial policy has a decisive and very concrete influence on people’s everyday lives. In this paper our aim is to show what comprises active…


Henry Thomas Simarmata, Sunaryo, Arif Susanto, Fachrurozi, Chandra Saputra Purnama | Publikasi

Koleksi tulisan yang menunjukkan berbagai bentuk toleransi di berbagai daerah sebagai kekuatan Indonesia.


| Publikasi

Florian A. Schmidt | Digital Labour Markets in the Platform Economy | Mapping the Political Challenges of Crowd Work and Gig Work | good society – social democracy #2017plus


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