Indonesia Office

Jl. Kemang Selatan II No. 2A
Jakarta Selatan 12730

+62 21 7193711
+62 21 71791358


Jaminan Sosial & Negara Kesejahteraan

Jaminan Sosial & Negara Kesejahteraan

Sebagai organisasi yang berdedikasi pada keadilan sosial, FES memandang peran negara dalam menyediakan kebutuhan dasar, termasuk perlindungan sosial, sangat penting dalam sebuah negara kesejahteraan. selengkapnya

Young Progressive Academy

Young Progressive Academy

Sejak tahun 2022 FES Indonesia bekerja sama dengan Kemenko PMK menyelenggarakan program khusus bagi anak muda Indonesia bertajuk Young Progressive Academy (YPA). Program YPA bertujuan untuk memberdayakan pemimpin muda, selengkapnya

Pembangunan Ekonomi Berkelanjutan

Pembangunan Ekonomi Berkelanjutan

Meskipun terdapat kemajuan yang signifikan dalam pembangunan ekonomi dan infrastruktur yang bertujuan untuk mendorong pertumbuhan yang merata dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan di Indonesia, selengkapnya

Kerjasama Internasional di Regional dan Sekitarnya

Kerjasama Internasional di Regional dan Sekitarnya

Letak geografis Indonesia yang berada di antara Samudera Hindia dan Pasifik serta perannya di ASEAN memiliki relevansi ekonomi dan geostrategis yang signifikan. selengkapnya

Profil Kami

50 Years FES in Indonesia (1968-2018)

50 Years FES in Indonesia (1968-2018)

Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Together – 50 Years FES in Indonesia Reception.


Young Progressive Academy (YPA)

Young Progressive Academy (YPA)

Pada bulan Juni 2024, FES menyelenggarakan pertemuan alumni YPA yang pertama di Yogyakarta.


Follow Us on Facebook!

Follow Us on Facebook!

To learn more about FES in Indonesia and our most recent activities, please follow us and like our Facebook Page.


Future of Work & Economy of Tomorrow

Future of Work & Economy of Tomorrow

The future of work is now. And it takes place in Asia. In hardly any other region of the world can digital progress and the associated economic, social and political disruptions be observed more clearly.


Gender Justice

Gender Justice

The Asia-Pacific region is one the most diverse regions in the world in terms of politics, economy and culture. Despite significant economic growth and improved educational opportunities in recent decades,


Navigating the New Geopolitics of Asia

Navigating the New Geopolitics of Asia

Asia has traditionally been subject to global and regional power rivalries. In the 21st century, it will likely be caught in a contest for political dominance, military power and economic influence.


Regional Climate and Energy Project

Regional Climate and Energy Project

Climate change is one of the greatest global challenges of the 21st century. Its effects are already being clearly felt in Asia through the increase in extreme weather events such as droughts, storms, or floods, as well as sea level rise.


FES Asia

FES Asia

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Asia runs activities that support organizing for social justice, shaping an economy of tomorrow, and enchancing cooperation for freedom and security.


IPS Journal

IPS Journal

IPS-Journal is a young magazine with a much older heritage. Launched in January 2017, the online journal highlights global inequality and brings new perspectives on issues such as the environment, European integration, international relations, social democracy and development policy.


FES on Youtube

FES on Youtube

Discover more videos on FES Youtube channel!
