René Bormann, Michael Groß, Helmut Holzapfel, Kirsten Lühmann, Oliver Schwedes

[EN] WISO Direkt: 27/2017 Shaping Urban Change and Promoting Sustainable Mobility

Important shifts in urban geography and mobility culture demand a new mobility politics focused on quality of life. One that initiates and organises processes of change, shaping them in dialogue with all stakeholders. Strong functional diversity is a must. All modes of transport must be coordinated, sustainable mobility strengthened and public space upgraded. This will require adequate funding and opportunities to influence the process at the local level.

We travel on a daily basis – to get to work, school or university, to go shopping or to visit friends. The places we want to – and have to – reach are often far from where we live. And our trips are often hard to combine. For example, there is rarely a supermarket nearby work, so we end up travelling long distances every day and spending a lot of time in traffic.
Many journeys are made by car and the significant expansion of road traffic over recent decades affects smaller towns, as well as the major cities. The upshot of these shifts has been growing noise pollution, a tangible rise in emissions harmful to human health and the earth’s climate, and a deterioration of urban quality of life overall. Growth in delivery traffic – which is not addressed in this contribution – represents another drag on urban quality of life.

On one hand, mobility is fundamental to participation in the life of society; on the other, its current manifestations are eroding quality of life, especially in the cities. People living near busy roads, motorways and airports are exposed to especially high levels of noise and particulate pollution.

Shaping urban change and promoting sustainable mobility

Shaping urban change and promoting sustainable mobility

Bonn, 2017

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