René Bormann, Lothar Binding, Markus Henn, Cansel Kiziltepe, Carsten Kühl, Manfred Lehmann, Achim Truger

[EN] WISO: Active Financial Policy

A strong state that invests in society’s future viability in accordance with social justice pursues an active tax and financial policy, on both the income and the expenditure sides.

This is because financial policy has a decisive and very concrete influence on people’s everyday lives. In this paper our aim is to show what comprises active financial policy, what its point of departure is and how it can be implemented.


WISO | Active Financial Policy

Ensuring viability, enhancing social justice and boosting economic potential

good society – social democracy #2017plus

Active financial policy

Active financial policy

Ensuring viability, enhancing social justice and boosting economic potential
Bonn, 2017

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