Dati Fatimah, Aminatun Zubaedah, Henri Ramdlaningrum, Ahmad Sarkawi, Dian Ajeng Pangestu, Mida Mardhiyyah

[ID] Hidden Resilience: The Narrative of Women’s Survival Strategy in Climate Change.

This study describes how women from 3 areas in Indonesia make important contributions to adaptation efforts at the individual, family and community levels, although recognition of these contributions remains low and hidden.

Climate change, in the context of today's global civilization, has become an important variable affecting people's well-being and livelihoods. This publication documents the results of a study that explores the implications of climate change on food consumption, clean water and energy, and most importantly, how gender intersects with these. The study, which is a case study in three different locations, also maps existing mitigation efforts by exploring gender-based roles, contributions and challenges in the community. It further illustrates how women make important contributions to adaptation efforts at the individual, family and community levels, although recognition of these contributions remains low and hidden.


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