Dati Fatimah, Aminatun Zubaedah, Henri Ramdlaningrum, Ahmad Sarkawi, Dian Ajeng Pangestu, Mida Mardhiyyah

[EN] [Infographic] Hidden Resilience: The Narrative of Women’s Survival Strategy in Climate Change

The infographic highlights how climate change affects food, water, and energy consumption, focusing on gender differences and roles in mitigation and adaptation efforts in 3 areas in Indonesia.

Climate change as a current global development issue has become significant variable that affect community’s lives and welfare. It also become threats to the survival of many communities since it is directly affect security and access to the supply of food, water, and energy which plays vital role for everyone. Economically, climate change also causing losses which have the potential to slow the realisation of the goal to improve welfare of all citizens. Extreme weather entwined with development issues also increases the risk of natural disaster such as floods, tornadoes, and landslides that cost lives and damage livelihood resources.

This study is intended to explore how the implications of climate change on the pattern of food consumption, clean water, and energy, and to see how gender affects all three. Study on the consumption pattern in the household level will also map out how climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts are carried out, by looking at gender based roles, contributions and challenges.


Hidden resilience

Hidden resilience

Women's survival strategies narrative on climate change impacts
Jakarta, 2019

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