Monday, 31.10.2016

Youth Indonesian Mapping Program - Creating New Paradigm for Millenium Generation in Maumere and Kupang

FES Indonesia and Kemenko PMK, in collaboration with Tempo Institute, held the PKMI event in Maumere, the capitol of Sikka District and Kupang, the capitol of East Nusa Tenggara Province on 26-27 & 29-30 October 2016.

Following up the 2015 success program of Youth Indonesian Mapping (or PKMI) in 5 cities (Medan, Jakarta, Denpasar, Bandung, Makassar), this year the program continues the journey to East Nusa Tenggara.

FES Indonesia and Kemenko PMK, in collaboration with Tempo Institute, held the PKMI event in Maumere, the capitol of Sikka District and Kupang,  the capitol of East Nusa Tenggara Province. The Maumere event was held in the  hall of Frateran Junior High School on 26th and 27th October and in Nusa Cendana University’s seminar room in Kupang on 29th and 30th October 2016. Both cities, show the typical  characteristics of cities in the eastern part of Indonesia. The cultures and traditions, social systems, climate, environment and of course the   (mentality) of the youth can be said to be quite similar in these two places.  Yet, both cities also have their specific distinctions as Maumere reflects the typical traits of Flores and in Kupang one can experience the unique social atmosphere of Timor Island. (which Idonesia shares with Timor Leste.)

The objective of the program is to collect and reconstruct the hopes, thoughts and anxieties of the millenium generation ( the age-group  between 18-35 years old) in those cities. What are they thinking about and how do they respond to  the many things that dynamically and sometimes dramtically  change around them?

For about 2 full days more than 120 participants attended the event in Maumere and Kupang.  As many came from the neighboring districts which have different habits and customs the ethnic and cultural composition of the participants was very diverse.

The 2016 PKMI Program differs from previous PKMI events. This year the activities on the first day had the aim to introduce improved writing skills to the participants. Four Senior Editors of Tempo, namely Budi Setyarso, Muhamad Taufiqurrahman, Mardiyah Chamim and Phillipus Parera, provided writing materials and mentored more than 120 participants in 4 groups. At the end of the workshop, most of the participants had improved their skills to write  simple texts  aboutsimple issues. It is hoped that the new writing skills and techniques will help them to better communicate and express their ideas, concerns, anxieties and hopes that come about in response to the transformations around them.

The activities on the second day were facilitated by Boni Hargens and Rocky Gerung, two academics of University of Indonesia. The two lecturers addressed, discussed and elaborated on contemporary pressing issues in Indonesia  by conducting  Open Space-activities. These involved Small Group Discussions, a Gallery of Leaders and the Voice of Youth forum .The discussed issues included social and cultural problems, gender equality, political participation, and  globalization.

In the cause of the eventthe participants were introduced to the new paradigm of the millenium generation and learned that they are part of it. With the help of an extraordinary facilitation by Gregorius Tjai (from Humanize Consulting, Bandung), the participants finally defined their genuine thoughts. One of these was written on the wall of the Voice of Youth forum  which stated : “I want to become Me, not merely for ME and WE, but for US”.

The methods that have been used in the event activities had the aim to foster (self-)reflective reasoning. The participants of the events gained clear perceptions and knowledge about new paradigms in that manner which suggests that all activities met the objective.The combination of new perspectives and paradigms on youth, the usage of modern methods to facilitate discussion and the provision of writing skills is a very successful approach. Therefore the 2016 PKMI Program shall serve as a role model for PKMI Programs in the future. (**)

The combination of new perspectives and paradigms on youth, the usage of modern methods to facilitate diuscussion and the provision of writing skills is a very successful approach and should serve as a role model,  the  of PKMI Programs.  (**)

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