Monday, 03.10.2016

Social City Seminar - An exchange of urban development in Indonesia and Germany

In cooperation with the urban laboratory of UNTAR University FES Indonesia organized a seminar on the concept of a Social City on October 3rd 2016 in Jakarta.


In cooperation with the urban laboratory of UNTAR University FES Indonesia organized a seminar on the concept of a Social City on October 3rd 2016 in Jakarta.

Distinguished panelist have been among others: Prof. Martin zur Nedden - Director of Research and Managing Director of the German Institute of Urban Development - , Hilmar Farid – General Director of Cultural Affairs in the Minstry of Education and Culture, Bernardus Djonoputro – Chairman of Indonesia´s Planers Association, Jo Santoso – Head of Graduate Programme in Urban Planing in UNTAR University -; Marco Kusumawijaya, Rujak Center of Urban Studies -, Rene Bormann – Head of working groups for Housing and Transport in FES Germany.

In his presentation Hilmar Farid characterized the discussion on social urban development as timely. We are aiming for an inclusive, livable and social city, he said. Furthermore he explained that President Jokowi´s Nawacita very much resonates with the concept of a Social city. But a social city is only achievable through participation the General Director of Cultural Affairs assessed. Hilmar Farid suggested that culture should be an important defining factor of urban development and a tool to transform the city. The aspiration is to create public and cultural spaces where people can realize their creativity and enjoy social life.

Prof. Martin zur Nedden promoted an integrated urban development planning with citizen resident’s participation and affordable housing policies as important elements to guarantee social cohesion.
Rene Bormann explained in his presentation the German experience of focusing on neighborhoods and quarters to enable citizen participation and to tackle urban challenges like housing, public transport and other public services.

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