Friday, 23.09.2016

Social City Roundtable Discussion with former Mayor of Berlin Klaus Wowereit

In cooperation with the urban laboratory of UNTAR University FES Indonesia organized a roundtable discussion on the concept of a Social City with Klaus Wowereit - former Mayor of Berlin - on September 22nd 2016 in Jakarta.

In cooperation with the urban laboratory of UNTAR University  FES Indonesia organized a roundtable discussion on the concept of a Social City with Klaus Wowereit - former Mayor of Berlin - on September 22nd 2016 in Jakarta.
Wowereit, who has been the Mayor of the German capital for 13 years, explained in his presentation that a Social City means among others to enhance participation of the city residents, to provide affordable housing and to provide public services in order to strengthen social cohesion.
In the discussion with representatives of UNTAR, Ministry of public works and housing and other Indonesian experts Wowereit also exchanged ideas how to ensure appropriate public and cultural space in the city.

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