Thursday, 29.09.2016

Public Dialog: Labuan Bajo, 28 September 2016

FES Indonesia, Kemenko PMK together with Indonesian Community for Democracy (KID) and it's local partner in East Nusa Tenggara, LAP Timoris jointly organised an action oriented project that involves multi-stakeholder in supporting the implementation of the National Healthcare Program (JKN) in West Manggarai District of East Nusa Tenggara.


FES Indonesia, Kemenko PMK together with Indonesian Community for Democracy (KID) and it's local partner in East Nusa Tenggara, LAP Timoris jointly organised an action oriented project that involves multi-stakeholder in supporting the implementation of the National Healthcare Program (JKN) in West Manggarai District of East Nusa Tenggara. The project focuses on collecting and analyzing relevant information from stakeholders and creating space for dialogue among stakeholders. In the preparatory phase a baseline study was conducted and result was shared to the stakeholders in order to get feedback to further strategies for "socialisation-dialogue" in five sub-districts in West Manggarai.

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