Thursday, 20.10.2016

Just Jobs Network/ FES Conference, Berlin, 18th October 2016

Indonesian Minister of Manpower Hanif Dhakiri delivers Key-note address at Just Jobs Network/ FES Conference: Transformations in Work – Creating Job-rich Economies in 21th century on 18th October 2016 in Berlin.

During his official visit to Germany Hanif Dhakiri, Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia, delivered a keynote-address at the Just Jobs Network/FES Conference: Transformations in Work – Creating Job-rich Economies in 21th century on the 18th October 2016 in FES headquarters in Berlin. Minister Dhakiri made the profound contention that “there is nothing inevitable about inequality,” pointing to Indonesia’s recent success in reducing inequality and spurring opportunity through public investment. He announced the government’s intention to skill Indonesia's workers to compete in a tech-driven global economy.
Prior to the conference he met with FES Vice-chairman Michael Sommer.

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