Thursday, 17.11.2016

Capacity Building in International Negotiation Skills: Simulation on Free Trade Agreements and their political, economic and social implications

FES Indonesia, Kemenko PMK, Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) jointly organized a Simulation on Free Trade Agreements and their political, economic and social implications in Jakarta, 15-16 November 2016


The role play was designed and facilitated by PlanPolitik from Berlin, Germany in order for the participants to gain a better understanding of the negotiation process of free-trade agreements. Moreover, participants will gain a multifaceted understanding of the main issues surrounding the TPP; the RCEP agreement and other similar international and regional trade agreements.  More than 30 participants from various ministries, including the FES partner ministry Kemenko PMK, civil society and academia played the role of delegates of fictional countries that came together to negotiate in heated debates the final text of the Agreement.

Although fictional, the game fulfilled two objectives: On the one hand the training and improvement of language and negotiations skills of the participants and on the other hand the spread of knowledge and awareness concerning issues that come about not only with the FTAs in general.  The response to this new and innovative method of capacity building and learning was very positive. The success of the two-day event has persuaded FES to conduct similar simulations in the form of role plays in the future.

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