Pius Sugeng Prasetyo, Tutik Rachmawati, Theresia Gunawan, Yosefa, Trisno Sakti Herwanto, Kristian W. Wicaksono

[EN] Innovation to Establish Prominent and Sustainable Village - Second Edition

Many Indonesian villages are thriving through innovative development practices. This survey highlights how six villages are leveraging local wisdom and resources to drive progress in food sustainability, renewable energy, education, health, and technology, while fostering democratic engagement.

Survey to the villages has shown more facts that the villages in Indonesia cannot be seen entirely from the disadvantaged perspective. Data found from the six villages in this book increasingly confirm that many villages in Indonesia have undertaken development practices with various innovations or resources owned and at the same time considering the upheld local wisdom. Innovation is done in various aspects such as food sustainability, renewable energy, local economy, education, health – sanitation, democracy engagement, and utilization of information technology.


Innovation to establish prominent and sustainable village

Innovation to establish prominent and sustainable village

Jakarta, 2018

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