
YPA Batch 2: A Day with Menko PMK

"A Day with Menko PMK" Tuesday, 14th March 2023, Kemenko PMK Office, Jakarta

The "A Day with Menko PMK" program was a session of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung's Young Progressive Academy (YPA Batch 2) with the Assistant Deputy for Youth Empowerment of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK).

This day at the ministry gave the YPA participants—particularly those who live outside of Jakarta and who only get a chance to see the central government's activity on television—insights and motivation. For the majority of them, it was a novel experience to meet and exchange with the Minister and his deputies directly as well as to take part in an interministerial coordination meeting that Minister Muhadjir Effendy personally presided.

In addition to gaining knowledge about the duties and roles of the Coordinating Minister for PMK, the session also inspired and motivated the youth to become future leaders and contribute to the progress of Indonesia.

"I consider myself fortunate to be able to participate in a coordination meeting chaired by a minister, where we will be talking about the stunting issue that is related to and affects my work in Malinau Regency. I'm glad of this initiative and hope it continues to bring more young Indonesians together to work with the central government and gain practical experience", said Fany Fernita, participant of YPA Batch 2 coming from Malinau District Kalimantan.

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