Marc Saxer, July 2017

The Human Economy - The social democratic path to decent livelihoods and development in digital capitalism

The Human Economy, composed of two interwoven economies, puts the creation of income-generating livelihoods front and centre. The digital capitalist economy generates the surplus needed to remunerate work for the common good. And the human commons produce the consumption demand needed to keep the market economy going.


The challenge of the digital revolution is not the machines, but the distribution of ownership, wealth, income, opportunities, and control. To shape the digital transformation, it is once again necessary to tame capitalism.

Digital capitalism is reshuffling political fortunes, and progressives should go out of their way to build coalitions around the
need to boost demand. After half a century of supply-side economics and cost-cutting politics, putting incomes back into the centre of economic thinking is an opportunity progressives must not miss.

The human economy

Saxer, Marc

The human economy

The social democratic path to decent livelihoods and development in digital capitalism
NewDelhi, 2017

Download publication (540 KB, PDF-File)

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