FES Indonesia

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Indonesia

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung established its Indonesia Representative Office in 1968. FES focuses on enhancing dialogue for mutual understanding and peaceful development in its international work. Social justice in politics, the economy and in the society is one of our leading principles worldwide. In Indonesia we have been carrying out various activities to support the Social Security Reform, Welfare state, and Social Economic Development in recent years.

The range of respective programs include: Social Security & Welfare State, Sustainable Pension Financing, Pro-Poor Budgeting, National Character Building, Economy of Tomorrow, Social Urban Development, Promoting the three dimension of sustainability within Indonesia´s development on national as well as on local level; promoting women empowerment; promoting inclusion of persons with disabilities into the labour market as well as promoting Indonesia as a reference to other countries in the region and at international level for democratization, socio-economic and peaceful development.

The Foundation's activities are conducted mostly in cooperation with the Partner Ministry Kemenko PMK (Coordinating Ministry of Human Development and Culture), other relevant state agencies, Universities and civil society organizations through various instruments such as conference, seminars, workshops, round-table discussions, trainings, role plays, scholarships and publications.
You can browse through our publications and digital library from our website as well.

FES Indonesia also facilitates international dialogue by sending official delegations, experts, academics and senior journalists to Germany and overseas. Occasionally, we invite German and European policymakers, professionals as well as academics to give presentations in Indonesia.

Indonesia Office

Jl. Kemang Selatan II No. 2A
Jakarta Selatan 12730

+62 21 7193711
+62 21 71791358
